Saint Collages

Icons: Made in the Image

Collages on paper

Collages constructed from fashion magazines in a process to explore the influence of how image and media can drive what we strive to acquire, be, and obtain. The word “icon” is now associated with fame. Contrasted with religious icons that are used to express devotion to widely admired saintly figures in an act of veneration for the ways they upheld and expressed the love of God.

These collages bring those two worlds together, as it feels for someone in the midst of that culture while also seeking beyond it. 

These are the shiny diamonds, prints, materials and model features placed into the form of religious icons.

Both kinds of icons serve as an “image” that drives influence and therefore emulation. 

For whom, how, and what they seek to influence, it seems fitting these Saints should have the goodies. 

These are my gals. Their faces are a multitude of pigments, and their garments usually include signifiers of their patronage. 

Each one is unique. Not one is perfect. All are made in the image. 


About: The Common Thread

